Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Insane Trip!

The sound of every breath in time frames..
Of split seconds beating on my eardrums..
The slightest movement transforming them into devils and monsters
Spitting fire in a phantasmagoria of smoky structures..

There, slowly tripping into hell..

Fatigued by the ring of hysterical laughters,
As I lay down mind numbed..
The sensation of death slowly gripping on to my soul.

Blinding white lights.. breath leaving me second by second.
I had to choose my path.. the mere thought of heaven transported me..
In the wings of reveries to a land of fairies.

I was no more holding on to my dear life..
The paranoia of death made way to eternal peace.
Floating on a deep blue hued river..
Splash of colours everywhere..

Eyes shadowed by the canopy of pale green trees..
Willowing in the wind..
Purple lotus flowers.. white birds
Sliding away..

Towards the mountains that merged in sunset hues of blues
And the huge fireball set ablaze in orange shades..
Hark! The devil beckons back to fire and chaos!
Monsters took form again.

The choice..
But then, unreal were the unicorns..
Unlike the horses and monsters in my head.
Hallucinations that made me discern..

Then, there were stars all around... pitch black night.. the coldness of the white sand grains against my feet.. the sound of waves crushing in.. the white foam approaching closer to the shore with every rising tide..
We looked up.
Constellations hanging from space on the puppeteer's thread.

Orion keeping the Scorpion at bay..
Canis Major wagging its tail.
Sirius shining bright..
Inverted spoon of the Saptarishi pointing towards the pole star.

That one star which failed to twinkle.. a planet maybe
A closed conversation with a thought to ponder on
Of a "little prince" like life form.. somewhere out there!